The original L&WV

The Lorain & West Virginia Railway was constructed in 1906, by the Wheeling & Lake Erie/Wabash, to serve the steel mill in Lorain. As a result of the many railroad mergers in the 40s, 50s and 60s, the line became redundant and saw diminished use until a washout in the 60s split the line and stopped through service. The Norfolk Western gave notice of intention to abandon the line in April of 1977.

Founding of LSRA
In 1979, the Lake Shore Railway Association was officially organized in order to save the the rail line from being torn up, and turn it into an excursion railway, utilizing historical railroad equipment and preserving it for future generations. Years of hard work lead to the purchase of the southern 7.8 miles in 1991. Operations first began in 1993, during the week of the Lorain County Fair. Since that time, more of the line has been purchased and the southern six miles have be rehabbed for operations.